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Celebrex 200mg

Brand Choice

Product from Canada


Manufactured by: Viatris

From $1.69 USD per Capsule(s)

CAN NOT BE SPLIT Must be taken in existing form.


Generic Equivalent

Product from Canada

Celecoxib 200mg

From $0.52 USD per Capsule(s)

CAN NOT BE SPLIT Must be taken in existing form.


What is a Generic in Canada? Health Canada (the Canadian regulatory board) evaluates every Canadian generic for their safety, effectiveness, and quality. Every generic used in Canada has the same medical ingredients as their brand name counterpart and is considered bioequivalent to the brand name medication. The quality standards for brand name drugs and generic drugs are the same. All of the ingredients, facilities, and manufacturing processes must meet Canadian federal guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practices. In addition, Canadian generic manufacturers must perform 'comparative bioavailability' studies to demonstrate that their generic products deliver the same amount of medicinal ingredient at the same rate as the brand name medication. Nearly 45% of all prescriptions filled in Canada use generic medication and some hospitals exclusively use generic drugs. For more information, please visit  http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/iyh-vsv/med/med-gen-eng.php

Celebrex 200mg

Strengths available

Brand name

Celebrex (pronounced as CELL-le-brex)

Generic name

Celecoxib (pronounced as CELL-le-cox-ib)

Manufacturer Information


About Celebrex 200mg

Celebrex - Indications and usage

Celebrex is used for pain due to spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. It may also be used for short term management of moderate to severe pain due to trauma (ex. sprains), pain after dental extraction, or postoperative orthopaedic pain.

How does Celebrex work?

Celebrex is a NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) that helps to manage pain, fever, and inflammation. Specifically, Celebrex inhibits COX-2 (Cyclooxygenase-2) receptors which are present in high quantities in inflamed tissues. At Canadian recommended doses, Celebrex does not affect COX-1, which mediates platelet aggregation and maintains a gastrointestinal mucosal barrier.

Celebrex directions and dosage

As with all medication, there are patient specific considerations to review before starting Celebrex. In general, the recommended dose is 200mg either as a single dose or divided twice daily.

Celebrex is contraindicated in the peri-operative setting, during the third trimester of pregnancy, women who are breastfeeding, patients with heart failure, hypersensitive/allergy to any of its components or sulfonamides, and patients who are allergic to ASA or other NSDAIDs. People who have active gastrointestinal/cerebrovascular bleeding should also avoid Celebrex.

In addition, Celebrex is contraindicated for patients who have IBD, severe/active liver disease, severe renal disease, and hyperkalemia.

If you miss one or more doses, continue regimen as soon as possible then take your next scheduled dose. Do not increase your dose to compensate for the missed doses.

What are the alternatives of Celebrex?

Because Celebrex requires a prescription, many patients ask for over-the-counter alternatives.

Advil (ibuprofen) or Aleve (naproxen) can be substituted in certain situations. Advil and Aleve may be more suitable for mild to moderate pain. Both of these options may be more affordable depending on your insurance coverage.

There are many prescription alternatives to Celebrex including Mobic (meloxicam) and Arthotec (Diclofenac/Misoprostol). These medications are not one for one alternatives to celebrex and may or may not be suitable. If you are interested in alternatives to Celebrex always discuss with your Doctor.

Celebrex - Side-effects

Celebrex may cause drowsiness or fatigue. It may also make you more sensitive to sunlight which may cause sunburns, itching, or vision changes. These side effects may be more prominent if used for a long time or when used in larger doses.

Please remember to report any symptoms that you think may be a side effect to your health care provider.

Do I need to take Celebrex with food?

Celebrex can be taken with or without food.

Unlike many other NSAIDs you can take celebrex without regard to food intake. This allows for more convenience as Celebrex can be taken with food or on an empty stomach.

Is it safe to drink alcohol with Celebrex?

You should not drink alcohol as it may increase the likelihood of developing stomach problems.

Some common drug - drug interaction to be aware of  when taking Celebrex

Please notify your health care provider of your entire medication history before starting Celebrex.

The following is NOT a complete list of possible interactions:

ASA, NSAIDs, Antacids, Proton pump inhibitors, antidepressants, blood pressure medication, blood thinners, corticosteroids, cyclosporin, digoxin, diuretics, fluconazole, lithium, tacrolimus, dextromethorphan.

Celebrex - Pregnancy and Nursing

Celebrex is contraindicated in the third trimester due to the possibility of causing premature closure of the ductus arteriosus.

Caution use during the first and second trimester as there are no adequate studies to support its use.

Celebrex is present in low levels in breastmilk and, because the amount ingested by the infant are small, is not expected to cause side effects in breastfed infants. At the same time, both the mother and the infant should be monitored throughout therapy.

Celebrex should be stopped immediately at the first sign of rash in the infant. Reassessment of benefit and risk should be performed regularly.

Ordering Celebrex from Canada

For millions of americans the cost of prescription medications such as Celebrex is so high they are forced to make compromising financial choices that affects many aspects of their life and ironically their health. For years now US patients with US prescriptions have been coming to Canada to escape the high costs of medications there. Ordering Celebrex online from our Canadian Pharmacy has made it possible for our US patients to attain a safe and reliable alternative source for Celebrex.

As many patients can not tolerate the generic of Celebrex they have to take the brand name only. Unfortunately the brand is so much more expensive than the generic forcing patients to look outside of the US to find an alternative source. Here at Canada Cloud Pharmacy we are proud to be that alternative source. Order online today with our Canadian Pharmacy and we guarantee you will be happy with our service and products.


How long does it take for Celebrex to work?
You should feel the onset effect of Celebrex within 3 hours of taking your first dose. It may take up to 5 days to reach consistant pain management. 
How much does Celebrex Cost?
Celebrex can cost $100-$500 per month for cash paying patients depending on dose and frequency. You can save money on your Celebrex by looking for coupons online or by purchasing them from a licensed Canadian pharmacy.
Is Celebrex related to sulfa drugs?
The chemical structure of Celebrex is similar sulfonamide compounds. Although Celebrex is contraindicated for patients with sulfa allergies, there is still a lack of data to demonostrate the actual cross-sensitivity among sulfonamide mediations.
Is it safe taking tylenol with Celebrex?
Yes, it is safe to use Tylenol and Celebrex at the same time. The combination of the two medication have a additive effect on pain management.
Is there a generic of Celebrex in Canada?
Yes, there is a generic for Celebrex available in Canada. Please view product information at the top of the page for more information.
Is there a withdrawal if I stop Celebrex?
There is no withdrawal when stopping Celebrex. Celebrex is not an opioid or narcotic and so does not cause the withdrawals you would expect with these medications.

Buy Celebrex 200mg from Canada 

Information contained here on this page is for informational purpose only. Always speak with your Doctor about the usage of your medication.